Documenting Indigenous Knowledge In Science, Technology and Innovation

Title: Documenting Indigenous Knowledge In Science, Technology and Innovation
Editors: Darlina Md Naim, Mardiana Idayu Ahmad
Price: RM13

Documenting Indigenous Knowledge in Science, Technology and Innovation contains several interesting chapters related to natural resources that are found in Malaysia and how these resources are used by indigenous and/or local people for survival. For example, the availability of marine resources such as fish as a source of protein to humans should be maintained to accommodate the increasing demand by the world’s population. Some approaches to maintain the availability of marine resources, as discussed in this book is the effective conservation strategies, sustainable aquaculture systems and the use of latest technology in the provision of capture data of marine life. The rapid increase in the world population has also changed people's views about the plants that have medicinal value towards the more aggressive use. However, efforts to record and document the medical plants is lacking in Malaysia. In addition to being a key ingredient in traditional medicine, plants such as banana can also be innovated as a renewable energy source. Although the discovery and design of this still new in Malaysia, efforts to further refine these findings should be continued to ensure the availability and sustainability of renewable energy sources. This book is suitable for use by all levels of readers, such as teachers, lecturers, researchers, scientists and the general public who need information about the topics included in this book.

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