Saying It From The Heart #usmstyle

Saying It From The Heart

Title: Saying It From The Heart #usmstyle
Author: Stefano Romano
Price: RM120.00  ISBN: 978-967-461-441-6 (Hard Cover)
Price: RM90.00  ISBN: 978-967-461-440-9 (Soft Cover)

Saying It from the Heart: #usmstyle is a visual narration about the life of the people in Universiti Sains Malaysia as seen and captured by Stefano Romano, a photographer from Italy, during his brief tenure at the University. For a year, he travelled along the paths of the campus and inside the faces of its people, trying to understand the people in a new land he never met before.

Compelling photos created out of ordinary, passing moments in this book are a testimony that in Universiti Sains Malaysia, love and compassion is not a luxury. The University’s achievements are indeed supported by its people, the value they uphold and the humanity aspect in everyone. Thus, this book serves as a visual reminder to all that humanity is not a subject to be learned and taught in Universiti Sains Malaysia. Humanity is celebrated here …


Stefano Romano has spent his time, for more than a decade now, capturing traditional life from many communities. Born and living in the metropolitan city of Rome, he has captured the life of many immigrant communities there, besides the people he met in his travels around the world. His two photography books: Kampungku Indonesia and Sweet Light: Meraih Cahaya Melalui Fotografi, are proofs of his passion and dream to preserve the fleeting moments in life for the sake of our future generations.

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  • Last Modified:
    Thursday 09 January 2025, 03:53:06.